The e bike market is growing and Orbea would like to share a few tips to extend the life of the batteries and electrical components of these bicycles.
- When you receive an e-bike or a Range Extender at your business, check the battery to make sure it is at least 60% charged before storing or mounting it for display. This is vital for the long term health of the battery.
- If you store the e bike or Range Extender for long periods of time, be sure to check the battery level every 2-3 months and always keep it between 60% and 80%.
- Storage temperature should be between 0 and 35°C and humidity between 0 and 85%. This means that places like cold concrete floors or unheated (or uncooled) warehouses can strain battery health.
For bikes equipped with the X35 system it is recommended:
- When reaching 100% of charge be sure to disconnect the charger to avoid damaging the battery.
- Firmware updates solve specific problems.
- Before carrying out an update indiscriminately, contact the After-Sales Service to make sure which update should be carried out depending on the detected problem.
- In the event that an update is necessary to correct a problem, make sure you use the correct files. The files for updating bicycles are different from the files for updating Range Extender. Using the wrong files will render the battery unusable and unrecoverable.
Remember that you have all this information and more in the Blue Papers for each model.